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Happy Halloween!

Drum Roll Please: The bathroom is complete!

Our bathroom saga has been a long tale. We still have to add grab bars and a few other finishing touches, but it is complete. Hallelujah! It has changed our lives immeasurably.   It is unbelievable having bathroom space like this for Ben. Yes, it is beautiful and new and wonderful as far as bathrooms go, BUT it is AMAZING how much it has changed things for Ben: 1. Independence. Ben can sit on the toilet without the Blue Wave toilet system. He hated to be strapped into the special chair, and he refused to use the toilet. As soon as he was taken off, he went in the pull-up, no matter how much time we let him sit. It was a power struggle, and he won every time. And let's be honest, I took him less when I knew it was a lesson in futility. Now, he is using the toilet without hesitation. He is not trapped by the strap, plus he is just like everyone else now. Ben dresses at the counter. He holds on and lifts each leg to help put his pull-up and then pants on without b...

We Have The Torch

If you remember, we participated in the Special Olympics Unified Relay Across America on June 4. It was an incredible experience - one our whole family still talks about whenever we are on that patch of road. We were a part of Special Olympics history and the memory of it was a good one. Last week, we were given the actual torch we carried on our half mile walk! If you live in our area and want to use it for school show and tell or an educational workshop, let me know. We want to lend it out to groups.

Ambassador Ben

Ben is an ambassador for the Easter Seals Walk on November 7, 2015. Check out his page: Walk With Me Charlotte 2015: Honorary Ambassador Ben - Easter Seals

Purchasing Power

When Ben's new teacher in middle school texted me to see if it was okay for Ben to go to the book fair, I wrote back, "Sure." After a moment, I realized Ben had never been to a book fair, at least that I could recollect. I wrote the teacher again and told her that this was Ben's first opportunity to shop the book fair.  I was so proud of Ben when he came home with a book and a poster. We recently made some changes to his room and he had a blank wall above his bed - I guess he saw the need to fix that! The poster was a perfect fit. Ryan insists that Ben was trying to tell us something other than he needs more decoration in his room, but I am not touching that one.

It's Just a Little Rain Mom

Happy rainy Tuesday from Charlotte, NC.