Ben's annual visit with the pediatrician was today. I was excited to tell her about all the changes and updates he has had in the past year. But before we could get in with the doctor, the nurse had to check Ben's height and weight. First, I was weighed. Then, I picked Ben up and we were weighed together. The nurse did the simple calculations and gave Ben a weight of 69.8. Huh? That cannot be! He is 88lbs. Trying to wrap my head around yet another weight dilemma, I kept repeating those same lines about the impossibility of him only weighing 69 lbs. So we did it again. I stepped on the scale without Ben, and then with Ben. The nurse checked to see if my feet were placed firmly on the scale and that Ben was not touching anything that could cause an inaccuracy. Came back with 69.8 again. Two thoughts raced through my head: Damn! I wrote a blog post about Ben weighing so much , and made such a big deal about his weight with friends and family. I even ...
These stories describe our journey with Ben, our oldest son. Ben is a sweet and energetic redhead, born with Rett Syndrome, a rare genetic mutation. My husband, Ryan, and I try to keep up with Ben and his two younger brothers. I intend to shed insight into raising a child with disabilities and pass on the wisdom we’ve earned over the past two decades.