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The End of Summer

We had a great summer. Last year, I made the decision to keep Ben out of camp and home with us. We did it, with the help of Kim, who has been with our family since Ben was 4 years old. Each day, we planned some new adventure for the boys. We swam, hiked, picnicked, traveled, visited friends, watched movies and discovered the $1 ice cream sundaes at McDonald's way too late in the summer. That's Logan and Ben is about to wake him up. Logan and Sean liked having Ben around and Ben certainly seemed happier spending his time with us. Ben was engaged in the activities we did together. He observed activities and when he was ready, put himself right in the middle. On days we wanted to stay home to relax, and Ben wanted to go out, Kim gave him a choice of activities. He often chose walking the mall or going to Imaginon , a large children's library. On most of those days, he also visited Dunkin' Donuts, TCBY, McDonald's and other tasty places. If it weren'...

And They Are Off!

Ben - 4th Grade Logan - 3rd Grade Sean - Kindergarten No first day of school jitters here. Dressed and ready to go!

The Making of Champions

My article in the Charlotte Parents' Exceptional Child Guide is out. Here it is on page 11. It does take a minute to load, so set it up, walk away and by the time you come back, you can scroll down to the page. Exceptional Child Guide This takes you to online version of article.

While We Are Celebrating Anyway...

Ben has been practicing walking in the water  all summer long .  Here is a one-minute clip of him showing off his skills.

Overtaking the Decade Mark

10 Years Old! Celebrating with friends, cupcakes, past teachers, more cake, a little magic,  more friends, and one more homemade cake from Logan!

Happy Birthday to Ben!

Tomorrow is Ben's big day. He turns 10. Logan made this card for Ben. Here's his description in his own words: Ben is a big superhero float in a parade. Some people are playing the game, "Who is Cool?" and they are carrying cards to vote for Ben. Ben is holding the world because the world needs him.