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Happy Halloween!

The Pirate, Professor Charles Xavier and  Raphael of TMNT say Happy Halloween!

Celebrate the UPside of Down™ during National Down Syndrome Awareness Month

Ryan has had an impact on our family. He is the son of one of Ben's former teachers and has Down syndrome. Our families have become friends, doing things together and looking forward to one another's company. If I did not have their friendship, I would be in the dark about Down syndrome. When a petition about  National Down Syndrome Awareness Month  was brought to my attention last week, I did not hesitate to add it here. Please take a minute to look it over and see if it is something you want to support by digitally signing the petition. Feel free to share with others through email, Facebook or on your own blog. The people behind this are working hard to get the word out, and as we have all learned, social media is the way to do it. "Dr. Kinder is mother to 8 year old Ella, who has Down syndrome. For the past 8 years Dr. Kinder has been on a mission to change the way Down syndrome is viewed and how the medical community responds to it. Right now we h...

At the Heart of the Game

I probably have already featured the Miracle League one too many times for any reader's liking, but here I am doing it again. Remember at the end of "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the narrator says, " the Grinch's small heart grew three sizes..."   That is what it feels like at these games, my heart grows. It is hard to explain, unless you witness it yourself. There is an overwhelming feeling of love, gentleness and caring at these games. Call me hokey...but do so behind my back and after you have attended a few games and don't feel it yourself. This week, it started with an early call from a friend whose son is also on one of the teams. She was calling to say that the photographer was fabulous. The professional photographs for team and individual photos were scheduled for this day. At the field, I witnessed those moments that individually are important, but together, in a short one-hour time frame, they make my heart swell. They are......

Thumbs Up to Rugby

Watching Dad play in an alumni rugby match made Ben pretty darn happy. We were there for almost 2 hours, and I did not hear a peep from Ben...just lots of smiles.

Resources Galore

Recently, I was sent links to varied types of resources.  This lead me to do some more research. Here is what I found: Council for Children's Rights - Wednesday Series in Charlotte, NC An opportunity for parents, family members, and professionals who advocate for children to ask questions about special education and school discipline. Take On Sports - Weddington, NC Take on Sports (fka Challenger Sports) offers athletic opportunities for the special needs youth ages 5 through 22 (or graduation from high school), in Union County, NC.    Federation for Children with Special Needs The Federation for Children with Special Needs provides information, support, and assistance to parents of children with disabilities, their professional partners, and their communities. We are committed to listening to and learning from families, and encouraging full participation in community life by all people, especially those with disabilities. Articl...

Miracle League Raffle

One of the moms from Ben's baseball team is running a raffle to raise money for the Miracle League.  Please contact Wendy Batley directly at to work out the details for payment and prizes. Her son, incidentally, is the very talented announcer for the games when he is not playing for the Braves. Joe Gibbs Racing Pack

Halloween Costumes for Wheelchairs

2009 TMNT, Superman, Froggy 2010 The Karate Kid Year 2011 - The Star Wars Year The stress of coming up with costumes for Halloween stresses me out every year. As the kids get older they have more ideas and take more responsibility deciding who they want to be and how to get that certain look. Ben's costumes need to be simple -no masks, hats or anything he can take off and eat. Before I had a chance to even think about Ben's costume, Logan came up with an idea - Professor Xavier from the X Men. Professor X is in a wheelchair and is one of the most powerful superheroes in the X Men comic book and movie series. He wears a dark suit which is easy enough to find and very Ben friendly. Logan wants to shave Ben's head to finish off the look, but that's not happening! Many people have mentioned that there are sites for creative Halloween Costumes for wheelchairs - here is one:  Halloween Costumes If you have other sites, please send them to me. Or even bet...