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Temporarily Toothless

As a parent and a person who prides herself in setting goals, I have looked forward to one of my boys looking oh so cute and adorable with a tooth or two missing. Both Ben and Logan have lost teeth, but the adult ones were already there waiting impatiently for their own place in the limelight. Finally Ben lost a tooth without another one already there. Goal accomplished! I can sleep easy now.

Charlotte’s Miracle League Baseball Field

What a difference one week can make. The baseball game was more fun for me, and I am hoping for Ben too. His buddy was a University of North Carolina at Charlotte Baseball Player and he seemed very comfortable with Ben. Ben used his wheelchair and we were able to curtail some of his shenanigans. While in the outfield, Ben spent most of the time trying to get at his Buddy's baseball cap. When Ben was going crazy grabbing at anything around him, I noticed his Buddy give him a quick shoulder rub which seemed to focus him. An OT might have called it deep compression . Whatever it was - it worked to get Ben to turn around and pay attention. During the week Logan commented that Ben's baseball game was not about winning, but about the players' talents. At 10pm, the night before the game, Sean came rushing into my room with an idea: He just heard a song with the words, "I'm a boy, I'm a boy, I'm proud to be me. I'm a girl, I'm a girl, I'm prou...

Missed Moments

After Ben's big baseball game on Saturday, we drove to the mountains to pick apples at  Sky Top Orchard in Flat Rock, NC. It was one of the most perfect days for it - blue skies, not too hot, not too cool. As soon as Ben was out of the car, he found a seat on the grass overlooking the playground and orchards and enjoyed the view. A few times he moved closer to where kids were playing, but for the most part he was content to sit and watch. A man who was there with his three grandchildren came and sat right next to Ben in the grass. He asked Ben his name. Ben leaned over to this man, named David, and gave him the most tremendous hug, lasting at least a minute. David's grandchildren walked slowly by, staring, and the man said to them, "When you walk by someone without saying hello, you never know what you might miss out on." Thanks David for the lesson.

Baseball - Better as a Spectator Sport?

The Braves go in for a team cheer! Coach Jeff gives the team a pep talk while Ben eats donuts. Teammate waiting through a bad pitch! Ben in the outfield, waiting for a fly ball or a way to escape! Ben's personal cheering section! Teammate making it to first base. Coach Jeff Ben with his Buddy, Michelle As always, Logan and Sean woke with their usual question, "What are we doing today?" When I explained it was Saturday and we had Ben's first baseball game, I was not expecting the reaction I received: a hoot for excitement and a plea to make signs supporting Ben. We arrived at the field and almost every parking space was taken. The place was crowded, decorated with balloons and the music was blaring. I bit my lip because I felt the tears coming. At that exact moment Ryan told me he had goose bumps. In a crazed 15 minutes, we got Ben's uniform, met Coach Jeff and Ben's buddy, caught ...

The Big League

The Miracle League held a social this week to get us ready for the games this Saturday. Ben is playing for the Braves - a fact his Dad is very happy about. Volunteers, coaches and buddies were there for us to meet. We have a team mom who is also the coach's wife, and very excited players. Logan and Sean had the best time throwing balls and meeting the other kids. I think for them, this will be a time to play with siblings who are in the same situation - not that I am looking for group counseling, but it is a good place to talk, meet and make friends. I get to socialize quite a bit with other parents, but Ryan does not and this can be a safe place to meet other dads facing similar stresses, emotions and questions. The new field, the tons of volunteers, the coach's letter to us - none of it got me emotional. Reading the list of information we received today letting us know of the team party and that each player will receive a trophy is what got to me. Ben being part ...

Three Hour Tour

After three hours of bowling, Logan and Sean were begging to go home. Ryan and I were more than ready too. The one still giggling and laughing at 10pm? Ben. He was the winner of the first game and came in second place in the next game. I guess all that practice for the Special Olympics paid off. Finished up the third frame and look who was in the lead... And the winner...