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Happy New Year!

Best Wishes in the New Year!

Out of the Mouths of Grownups

On the way into the YMCA this morning, a woman commented to no one in particular, about my kids not wearing hats and coats. They were wearing sweatshirts and fleece jackets. At this point, she had not seen me because I was with Ben getting him out of the car, but I had heard her words. When Ben and I were a few feet behind her, she asked Logan where his coat and hat were. Logan responded, "My Mom did not give me any to wear."  Thanks Logan. The woman, possibly not knowing that I was behind her, said, "I will say a prayer for your mother." She repeated that mantra a few times. Once she realized that I was right behind her, she scolded me about the hats, gloves and coats. I did not say much back to her. Then she said, "And look at his hands (meaning Ben) , they are all balled up because he is freezing." Still relatively calm, I managed to say that he is a special needs child, his hands are often in that position and he rips off hats and gloves immediatel...

Special Exposure Wednesday: Snow!

Waiting for takeoff. The Run Takeoff At the bottom Check here for more photos of other wonderful blogs!

Repeat: Support Amazing Race!

I am rerunning this because we did not get a great response...perhaps you did not read it the first time. Ryan and I will be a team competing in the Mecklenburg Parks and Recreation's Therapeutic Recreation Department's Amazing Race on Saturday, March 12, 2011. And we are in it to win it! In yesterday's post , I said we are looking for people to help on our virtual pit crew.  Here are ways for you to get involved: 1. What's in a name? Help us determine our team name. Submit your ideas in the comment section. 2. Raising the Dough - In order to raise funds for our $50 registration fee and the summer camp scholarship fund and spread the word about this website, we are offering these two-sided bookmarks for $10 each. $7 of each bookmark purchased will be sent directly to the registration and Summer Camp Scholarship Fund. If you are interested in purchasing one or more bookmarks, please email me directly at . Let me know how many you wou...

Magic Marker Monday: Weaving Pot Holders

Everyone remembers doing this as a kid. The boys' grandpa gave them a weaving kit for Christmas. Logan and Sean made this pot holder together. See more works of art here.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all!