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Suzie's Closet

This week we are considering ordering a new walker for Ben because the one he has is too advanced for him. His school and private physical therapists are concerned that the pressure he is placing on his shoulders will cause serious side effects in the future. Ben also walks in a crouched position using this Kaye walker and his endurance is very low. The problem is that insurance will only pay for a new walker every three years. The decision made last February was a poor one. I have learned from this mistake - ask questions and get more people involved in the process before ordering an expensive piece of equipment. In an effort to outline all our options, I spoke with one of the representatives from the company who ordered the walker and she introduced me to an incredible organization:   Suzie's Closet I think I have mentioned before how amazed I am when parents raising special needs children start an agency or organization, write a book or open a business to help other...

Special Exposure Wednesday: Dad and Me

  at the park. View other photos at

April Run

Any race following the Cooper River Bridge Run with all its fanfare, would be a hard act to follow. This Race was supported mainly by the neighborhood in which it is named for, Elizabeth. It was an early morning gathering of almost 700 runners of various ages. The course was very hilly. Personally, I felt it was more challenging than Cooper River because the hills never seemed to end. The nine year old boy playing the violin in front of his house was the highlight of the race for me. I was proud of him for having the confidence to do it. Other than this boy, it was mostly families on their front stoop quietly watching us run by. A few groups were more lively, but they were drinking an orange liquid in champagne glasses. With nine minute miles, I came in 17th in my division. Not too shabby, but if I want to bring home a trophy, my best bet is to increase my age. The competition drops significantly.

Magic Marker Monday: Spring Forward

Ben's camp during spring break put together this bulletin board, creating something new to add each day: butterflies, bees, ladybugs and chicks. See other works of art:


Ben has been in swim lessons since January. He can "monkey crawl" several feet on the side of the pool without any support, making it to the steps. He can "jump" into the water, going under, and float with some assistance. We are amazed by what he has learned in such a short amount of time because Ben has been in the water since he was a tiny tot, and we were never able to teach him any of these things. Ben's very special swim instructor, Charquita, moved last week to NY to take a job running an aquatic center. We will miss her gentle ways, her quick understanding of Ben's skills and her belief in Ben's abilities. We are sad to lose her, but at least three other people have jumped in to take her place. Ben is like a superstar at the Y pool and it seems that it is a privilege to work with him. At one point, I thought a fight might break out, but I quickly stepped in and said that everyone would have to take their turn working with my sweet child. Ok...

Special Exposure Wednesday: More Friends

 This is Ben and a friend from the neighborhood watching "Bob the Builder." See more photos at

Our Story

My husband, Ryan, and I met in college in 1991, although we did not date until a few years later. Our first years of marriage were spent renovating an 80 year old home in a precarious "arts district". And when I say renovate, I mean we did all the work and lived in two rooms in the house for five years. We both had full-time jobs too. We had no kitchen or central heat or air conditioning for at least two years. To say the stress of it all was horrendous is not giving you an accurate description. There were some good times, but it was difficult for me to live in carpentry filth, disorganized mess with uncompleted projects for that long. It took counseling to get us through it all. Although I would never put myself in that same position again, renovating the house ourselves allowed me to stay home with our children...which in so many ways turned out to be what we dearly needed when Ben arrived. Ryan and I were married 5 years when I g...