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Support Troops on Their Way

This past week we found out that we were accepted to receive services from the state through a special program. We have been on the waiting list for many years, and we are so thankful that Ben's name finally came to the top of the list. It comes at a crucial time when we are feeling that his safety may be compromised if he is left alone and unattended for any amount of time. Our stress levels were beginning to stay in the "red zone" more often than not. The relief I feel now is unbelievable - a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. My mom had a taste of what it is like with Ben this past week when she visited. I asked her to watch Ben while he was in the bathtub. She sat not four feet from him, playing a game of Trouble with Ben's younger brother, Logan. Without anyone hearing him, Ben got out of the tub and was next to Grandma before she even realized it. Yes, he is that quick, agile and quiet. At least she knows I am not making up the stories I share with her....

Special Exposure Wednesday: Grandma Love!

Grandma visited us last week. This is Ben with Grandma at the park. Although it looks like they are in jail, they really are inside a once real train engine.

Gadgets & Gizmos - Part 3: Adapted Books

Last year in Kindergarten, Ben was part of a pilot program for a literacy study at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte . His teacher was given specially adapted books to read with her children. The books were enhanced with raised lettering for the children to touch and objects for the children to hold. At points throughout the book, the teacher would ask a question about the page she had just read and the child would choose from pictures or objects inserted in the book to answer the question. One book Ben read talked about rain. The adapted book came with a small spray bottle and at that point in the book, the reader sprayed water into the air. Ben completed the program in just a few months, quicker than expected. Obviously, he was motivated by the methods they used. My sister, a creative and can-do person, decided to make a book like this for Ben, using one of his favorites from the Bob the Builder collection. Using the one from school as a model, she tore the book ap...

Magic Marker Monday: Turtle

Ben, age 6, brought this home from school. Simple, yet so very cute: Styrofoam bowl painted green for the shell with tissue paper glued on top for effect. Foam "paper" cut in shape of legs and head, with two googley eyes. Check out other works of art at Magic Marker Monday .

Being Organized: Turning Scraps into Notes & Files

When I worked at a local university in the dean's office, I was known for my organizational skills throughout the campus. If someone wanted something completed, they could come to me and I would be able to assemble an event, program, service with great organization, speed and accuracy. Who knew years later I would be putting those same skills to use for my son Ben? Over the last six years, we have met and talked with so many doctors, therapists, teachers, parents, insurance companies, agencies, organizations and respite workers that I could not keep them straight without the use of a fairly good organizational system. Below I outline the system that has worked well for me. Hopefully you may take some ideas from it and develop one that works for you.   Filing Crate Purchase a crate that is designated solely for your child's information. A portable crate may come in handy if you have to take it with you to a special meeting. Make files for anything that you will receive...

Special Exposure Wednesday: Swim Baby Swim!

Our local YMCA offered to design swim lessons for Ben. The instructor is working with him one-on-one, once a week. Ben's private OT will also give the instructor ideas on activities to do while in the water. Check out other photos at 5 Minutes for Special Needs .

Move Over Guilt, Safety First

While vacuuming, I heard a noise and chose to ignore it. Then something tugged at me to go investigate the source of the noise. I found Ben pinned underneath the TV and table. I lifted it all up, and pushed him with my foot, out of the way. Sometimes when Ben is wild and we cannot watch him every minute, we strap him into a chair. I always feel terrible doing it. Ben had been strapped in the chair while I was cleaning, and the guilt was eating at me. So I got him out. It was not ten minutes when I heard the bang - and it did not even dawn on me what could have happened - I kept vacuuming for another couple of minutes. Ben likes to kneel at the table in front of the TV to get a very close and personal experience with the movie he is watching. This one being a home movie, he must have wanted to get real close. Ughh! The damage - a busted lip, swollen nose and demolished brand-new 32" flat screen TV, a recent gift from our neighbors. So what have I learned? Safety is going ...