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When it rains, it pours at our house. In the midst of the scramble for a wheelchair (the sweet tale in my previous post does not portray the heartache of finding a chair for Ben), we developed yet another issue:

On the Sunday after Christmas, it rained miserably. The roof over Ben's room (and Logan and Sean's) is a shed roof, meaning it has a very gradual, almost flat roof. We have known for about four years that replacement was imminent. About two years ago, we made a temporary fix. In my grand plan, when the accessible bathroom was built, this roof would be replaced. Over the past couple of months, I noticed bubbling on Ben's wall when it rained and in the weeks before Christmas, I saw damage on the ceiling from water. It did not look good.

That same Sunday, the sun came out and it turned out to be a pretty day. I was thankful that the rain had not made the situation in Ben's room worse. Boy was I wrong. About 5 o'clock, I checked on Ben, and water was pouring down from the ceiling, just above his desk and computer. I grabbed Ben and yelled for Ryan.

With a nail hole to relieve the pressure of the water and a bucket to catch the stream, we were able to contain any damage. Although, it quickly became apparent that half of the ceiling's dry wall was filled with water. To my untrained, non-construction eye, it looked like it would cave soon. With Logan's help, we got the computer, books and other items out of the room.

More than a week later, Ben is still sleeping on the couch, or in our bed when he manages to throw Ryan and me out. Incidentally, I write this post at 4am because said thing just happened.

I did not want the other boys traipsing through the wreckage or breathing in the dust and insulation so all three boys slept in the family room while the worst of the clean-up was completed. It is an old house and to get to Logan and Sean's room, you have to walk through Ben's room to get there. For the boys, it was just another adventure sleeping in a different room, one with a television. They were sad to put an end to the Scooby Doo marathon when Logan and Sean were able to go back to their room.

Carpenters have replaced the boards around the outside area so a roofer can come in and do his job. In the meantime, Ryan tore out the ceiling and the wet insulation and replaced it all. Ben has a newly painted room awaiting him. But as I know better than anyone, construction takes twice as long as anticipated.

With Ben's furniture, clothing and books scattered throughout the house, dry wall dust coating every surface and college playoff games being missed because of work to be done, Ryan and I remind each other that "this too shall pass." It could have been a lot worse if the ceiling had fallen in while Ben was sleeping or while we were away. It was lucky that it happened when it did.

Ben has tried numerous times to get to his room. We have explained the situation, but it is apparent that he misses his boy-cave. By the time this posts, I am hopeful, he will be back in his own bed.


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