My business partner has a saying that he uses often in our team building and leadership activities with groups, "Trust the Process." Tracy usually shares this tidbit when the group is struggling through an activity or wondering how solving a puzzle will help the group form a more cohesive bond. I am trying to keep this philosophy as we go through more tests to figure out what Ben's actual diagnosis may be. In my post, The Allusive Diagnosis , I mentioned that Ben's tests revealed a strange discovery - they located an abnormality on the X chromosome, one usually connected with Retts Syndrome . Last month at the geneticist's office, we learned that Ben's gene abnormality has never been seen before. I don't thing they mean, just in their office. I think they mean ever, anywhere. This week, I was tested to see if I have the same abnormality. If I do, then "the waters are muddied," according to the doctor. It could mean that it is just an abnorma...
These stories describe our journey with Ben, our oldest son. Ben is a sweet and energetic redhead, born with Rett Syndrome, a rare genetic mutation. My husband, Ryan, and I try to keep up with Ben and his two younger brothers. I intend to shed insight into raising a child with disabilities and pass on the wisdom we’ve earned over the past two decades.