After many speakers (in 95 degree heat) the home plate was set in place, and then we were served the proper baseball meal - hot dogs, Cracker Jacks, Babe Ruth chocolate bars and chips.
The field will be made of a hard rubber surface, perfect for wheelchairs and walkers. Games last about an hour, with just 2 innings played (I said a silent thank you when I heard that.). Each player has a buddy who is at least 12 years old. All players get to bat and it seems that the last batter always gets a home run. The focus is on meeting other families and making friends - baseball is just the medium.
Homer, the mascot for the Charlotte Knights Baseball Team, was in attendance. The team's owner, Bill Allen, has a strong interest in Miracle League. Along with the YMCA's support, this could become a great outlet for families with special needs and help build awareness about disabilities through volunteers and sponsorship. There was already mention of building more fields throughout Charlotte.
Ben is registered to play on opening day - September 8.
Local TV News Story
Miracle League Charlotte
YMCA Miracle League
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