Thump! Thump! Thump!
"May I juice?" says my son, standing next to my bed.
I reluctantly open my eyes, praying it is not still dark outside and that it's a reasonable time to start the day, hug my sweet boy and say "What do you say to Mommy in the morning?"
He shouts "G'morning Mommy!" in reply. We make our way downstairs where he gets his game system and orders the curtains opened. I obey, then prepare his juice and cuddle up beside him on the couch enjoying the precious time when it's just the two of us.
After a game (or two or three) he heads into the kitchen to turn his "Music on!". We then sing and dance together. These days I am serenaded more often than I sing. Little else brings me such joy as hearing my son, who struggles for words, sing out loud.
When it's time for coffee, my son insists on pressing the buttons, measuring the coffee and sugar, then fetching the milk from the fridge. He loves to help and is somewhat fanatical about pressing buttons all around the house, moving wet laundry from the washing machine to the dryer (nevermind the dry clothes already there), and controlling the aspect ratio on the television. He is a busy boy, to be sure.
In his spare time, my son loves to race around the kitchen on his wheelybug, spinning around and crashing into anything in his way. He is an avid reader too- repeating as much of each story as he can manage while flipping furiously through the pages.
When he is outside in the garden he is, perhaps, most happy. He loves to run, climb, and jump (and throw rocks). He races about pushing his sister's baby buggy or a play lawn mower.
Another favorite activity is reading license plates on cars. He loves letters and numbers and will easily fall into tantrum if he is kept from reading every last one in a busy parking lot- which is not easy to manage and gives me a heart attack each and every time. You see, he has no concept of danger and he's extremely stubborn, a difficult combination at the best of times.
We are still working to understand what triggers his tantrums and rigid thinking, aside from being told 'no', that is. Every day is a mystery.
We don't yet know what might set him off or when. I've come to realize that I live in a constant state of anxiety, planning for the worst and forever hoping for the best.
I make an effort to enjoy every moment of fun we have as a family, storing up strength and patience for the hard times. Thankfully, the more verbal my son becomes, the more we see of his personality and sensitive heart. It is a tough job, but I wouldn't trade my sweet son for the world.
"May I juice?" says my son, standing next to my bed.
I reluctantly open my eyes, praying it is not still dark outside and that it's a reasonable time to start the day, hug my sweet boy and say "What do you say to Mommy in the morning?"
He shouts "G'morning Mommy!" in reply. We make our way downstairs where he gets his game system and orders the curtains opened. I obey, then prepare his juice and cuddle up beside him on the couch enjoying the precious time when it's just the two of us.
After a game (or two or three) he heads into the kitchen to turn his "Music on!". We then sing and dance together. These days I am serenaded more often than I sing. Little else brings me such joy as hearing my son, who struggles for words, sing out loud.

In his spare time, my son loves to race around the kitchen on his wheelybug, spinning around and crashing into anything in his way. He is an avid reader too- repeating as much of each story as he can manage while flipping furiously through the pages.
When he is outside in the garden he is, perhaps, most happy. He loves to run, climb, and jump (and throw rocks). He races about pushing his sister's baby buggy or a play lawn mower.
Another favorite activity is reading license plates on cars. He loves letters and numbers and will easily fall into tantrum if he is kept from reading every last one in a busy parking lot- which is not easy to manage and gives me a heart attack each and every time. You see, he has no concept of danger and he's extremely stubborn, a difficult combination at the best of times.
We are still working to understand what triggers his tantrums and rigid thinking, aside from being told 'no', that is. Every day is a mystery.
We don't yet know what might set him off or when. I've come to realize that I live in a constant state of anxiety, planning for the worst and forever hoping for the best.
I make an effort to enjoy every moment of fun we have as a family, storing up strength and patience for the hard times. Thankfully, the more verbal my son becomes, the more we see of his personality and sensitive heart. It is a tough job, but I wouldn't trade my sweet son for the world.
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