Here's something to attend if you live in the area,
or copy the idea for you own region of the world:
“Be the Bridge” Rally
Friday, May 21, 2010
1:00 – 3:00pm
Marshall Park, Charlotte, NC
We are a group of service providers, advocates, consumers, family members and community partners who have come together to support individuals with mental illness, developmental disabilities and substance abuse in their own recovery. We believe that everyone has the right to a full, satisfying and meaningful life. Due to major budget cuts in both local and State funding, we believe that now, more than ever, we need to work together as partners in building "bridges" with each other and with natural and community supports and resources. We can no longer rely on Federal, State and/or local funding to carry all the weight of supporting and meeting the needs of those with mental health, developmental disabilities and substance abuse issues. As a greater community, we need to learn to "build bridges" with each other and learn how as a community we can encourage, support, employ and engage those with special needs.
Additionally, the Rally hopes to:
1) Raise public awareness,
2) Build community partnerships,
3) Provide helpful information/literature,
4) Recruit community businesses and volunteers & show them ways they can help to be supportive as a bridge partner.
There will be over 35 vendors on site to pass out information regarding services and programs. A walk will follow around the park following the rally to show unity and support.
Cost: Free to the public.
Contact info: Tim Holland (704-319-7609) or Ellis Fields (704-365-3454)
Web site:
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