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One more thing to add to your fridge

At Christmas I received a card from one of Ryan's cousins. Inside the card was a 4x6" magnet with the title, "101 Ways to Praise A Child." It lists those 101 ways beginning with "Wow" and ending with "I Love You" with 99 more in the middle. In my mind, I thought, "What a wonderful gift to add to your holiday cards." Praise was a very important part of my growing up - my parents were heavy on the praise and I understand the value and impact of the special words parents can share with their children.

Then I read the card. This exact magnet had been on her fridge while her boys were growing up. Now that they were mostly grown, she decided to pass it on to me. Talk about "Wow!"

Let me add that this cousin and I have met just a few times at family reunions and funerals. It has only been through Facebook and this blog that we have developed a relationship. The support from her is wonderful. I feel like I have an extra cheerleader out there sending good thoughts and prayers my way.

The magnet will remain in our house, on the fridge, until our boys are mostly grown. Then I will pass it on to a mom who needs it as much as I do. I hope it will become a family tradition.

Everyday, the magnet has an impact on our family. It serves as a reminder to me to make sure I am praising our children. My husband refers to it to find new ways to praise them. 

Here are all 101 phrases. Feel free to make your own magnet or sign from this:

Wow * Way to go * Super * You're special * Outstanding * Excellent *
Great * Good * Neat * Well done * Remarkable * I knew you could do it *
I'm proud of you * Fantastic * Superstar * Nice work * Looking good *
You're on top of it * Beautiful * Now you're flying * You're catching on *
Now you've got it * You're incredible * Bravo * You're fantastic * Hurray for you *
You're on target * You're on your way * How nice * How smart * Good job *
That's incredible * Hot dog * Dynamite * What a blessing you are * You're unique *
How thoughtful * Good for you * Super work * You're a winner * Remarkable job *
Beautiful work * Spectacular * You're spectacular * You're so courteous *
You're precious * Great discovery * You've discovered the secret *
You figured it out * Fantastic job * Hip, Hip, Hurray * You're so obedient *
Magnificent * Marvelous * Terrific * You're important * Phenomenal *
You showed character * Super work * Creative job * Fantastic job *
Exceptional performance * You're a real trooper * I like you *
You are responsible * Good improvement * You learned it right *
What an imagination * What a good listener * Great idea * You're growing up
You tried hard * You care * Beautiful sharing * Outstanding performance *
You're a good friend * I trust you * You're important *You mean a lot to me *
You showed kindness * You belong * You've got a friend * You make me laugh *
You brighten my day * I respect you * You mean the world to me * That's correct *
You're a joy * You're a treasure * You're wonderful * Good thinking *
Awesome * A+ job * You're A-OK * You made my day * That's the best *
A big hug * Great spirit * I love you!


  1. This is cool Vanessa! Thank you!

    (and I love reading the blog... I feel like I'm sort of keeping up with you guys!)


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